World Heart Day is a good time to learn about the use of heart CT scans to screen for heart conditions.

World Heart Day is a good time to learn about the use of heart CT scans to screen for heart conditions.

World Heart Day is a good time to learn about the use of heart CT scans to screen for heart conditions.

Every September 29th is marked as World Heart Day (WHD). The World Heart Day theme for this year is Use Heart, Know Heart. Everyone should remember to take better care of their hearts during this WHD moment. To what extent is our heart properly protected?

Based on the 2014-2019 Global Burden of Disease and Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), heart disease is the highest cause of death in Indonesia. Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) data for 2013 and 2018 shows an increasing trend in heart disease, namely 0.5% in 2013 to 1.5% in 2018. In fact, heart disease is the biggest cost burden. Based on BPJS Health data in 2021, the largest health financing will be for heart disease amounting to IDR 7.7 trillion.

According to the Ministry of Health, cardiovascular disease (heart disease and stroke or CVD) are the number one cause of death in the world. This disease claims the lives of 17.3 million people every year.

World Heart Day was established in 1999 by the World Heart Federation (WHF) together with the World Health Organization (WHO). The idea of ​​creating momentum was conveyed by Antoni Bayés de Luna, WHF president in 1997-1999.

How to Prevent Heart Disease?

Heart disease is not present in those who are old or elderly. According to her, heart disease is not based on a person's age or background. Patients who are not yet elderly also have the potential to develop heart disease.

The most common cause of coronary heart disease at a young age is unhealthy lifestyle factors. So, because of this, people are advised to adopt a clean and healthy lifestyle, stop smoking, stop eating fatty foods, stop consuming alcohol, and exercise diligently for at least 30 minutes per day.

Apart from the steps above, patients also need heart screening. One of them is a Heart CT Scan. A cardiac CT scan is a medical imaging procedure that uses advanced X-ray technology to produce detailed images of the heart and surrounding structures.

When do patients need a cardiac CT scan?

A cardiac CT scan is usually indicated when there is a need to examine the heart and related structures in more detail than can be achieved with other examinations, such as an electrocardiogram (EKG) or echocardiogram.

Some situations in which a cardiac CT scan may be necessary include patients. These include, among others, patients with Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) or a high risk of CHD, evaluation of structural heart abnormalities, monitoring after cardiac procedures or surgery, chest trauma or heart injury, evaluation of aortic aneurysms, and as part of the overall examination.

It is important to remember that a cardiac CT scan, like any other medical procedure, should be performed based on appropriate medical indications. The benefits of a CT scan must outweigh any possible associated risks, including radiation exposure. If you have heart symptoms or problems, or have relevant risk factors, talk to your doctor about the possible benefits of a cardiac CT scan in your situation.

What are the advantages of having a heart CT scan?

Heart CT scans have many benefits in the field of cardiology and diagnosing heart disease. Some of the main benefits of a cardiac CT scan include:

  • Early Detection of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD): CT scans of the heart can help in early detection of coronary heart disease (CHD) by displaying the condition of the coronary arteries and identifying the presence of plaque or blockages that can cause coronary heart disease or heart attacks.
  • Evaluation of Heart Structures: A cardiac CT scan allows very detailed visualization of the heart and its associated structures, including the heart valves, heart walls, and blood vessels. This helps in detecting structural abnormalities such as stenosis (narrowing) or regurgitation (leakage) of the valve.
  • Aortic Aneurysm Evaluation: A CT scan of the heart can detect aortic aneurysms, which are widenings in the walls of the main arteries that can cause serious complications if left untreated.
  • Post-Cardiac Procedure Monitoring: After a cardiac procedure such as angioplasty, stent placement, or heart surgery, a cardiac CT scan may be used to monitor the results of the procedure and ensure that the procedure went well.
  • Evaluation of Chest Injury or Trauma: A cardiac CT scan helps in evaluating chest injury or trauma to the heart after an accident or other incident.
  • Cardiac Procedure Planning: Cardiac CT scans help doctors plan complex cardiac procedures, such as surgical procedures or ablation, by providing a detailed view of the heart's anatomy.
  • Comprehensive Heart Health Evaluation: Sometimes, a heart CT scan is used as part of an overall examination to evaluate overall heart health, especially if there are suspicious symptoms or health conditions.
  • Exploring the Cause of Heart Symptoms: A CT scan of the heart can help in exploring the cause of unclear heart symptoms, such as chest pain or shortness of breath.
  • Reduces the Need for Invasive Procedures: In some cases, cardiac CT scans can help reduce the need for invasive procedures such as cardiac catheterization, especially if the CT scan results provide sufficient information for diagnosis and treatment planning.

This material was presented by Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation Specialist Doctor Meity Ardiana SpJP (K) FIHA FAsCC National Hospital.
