Vaksin Dengue

Vaksin Dengue

You can get the dengue fever vaccine at the National Hospital right now. This dengue fever vaccine is recommended for ages 6 months to 45 years.

This dengue fever vaccine will be carried out twice. With a 3 month interval between doses 1 and 2. All vaccines get a 5% discount if you use CC BCA until 31 December 2023. So, when do you want the vaccine?

Order dengue fever vaccine at Medical Check Up National Hospital via WhatsApp/telephone:


081332011738 (WhatsApp only)

And, don't forget, you can also book health services at the National Hospital by sending a message to Instagram @nationalhospitalsby

📍National Hospital

Boulevard Famili Sel. No Kav 1, Babatan, Kec. Wiyung, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60227
